Timeblock C Fluff
Setup for Scenario 1C: The forces under Cathius’s command have begun the final push. The Shining Lord sits clutching the shard of the Fenulian Miirror tightly to his chest, as if terrified that something would take it from him. As they approach once more the edge of the Abyss where their proud city still stands, albeit a far more decrepit in nature, Cathius dispatches his foreward scouts to secure the advance through which the forces of Good will storm in order to attain the Obelisk. Cathius struggles to not show the desperation he feels as the small advance forces ride out from the gates of the city. He struggles even more to quiet the growing whispers in his mind that call out to him of his impending doom at the hands of his twin. Across the divide and at the base of the Obelisk, Urz’Rael plots his revenge for the ignominious defeat he received from his twin on the Ardovikian plain. Taking more of the same cursed stone with which he made up his Obelisk, he begins to construct sm...